It is our sad duty to announce that during the period in which we produced this annual report, two people who were extremely important to the Cruyff Foundation passed away. On 24 March, we were shaken by the passing of our founder and the man who personified our foundation, Johan Cruyff. We in the Foundation were, of course, devastated, and we can truly say that the loss of this national hero was a blow to our country. The world commemorated his legacy, and ‘his’ Foundation, the dream to which he had selflessly dedicated himself for nearly 20 years, was frequently mentioned as we all looked back on his life. Because Johan had experienced how important sport could be in the life of a child, and he wanted to give something back to the society that had given him so much.
This was barely two months after the loss of our chairman, Frank Weijers. Frank was an inspired man who held the Foundation deep in his heart. It was many times that we gathered around his sickbed to make plans and strategies for the future of the Cruyff Foundation.
We miss them both, but consider it our privilege to continue to work to make Johan’s dream come true every day.
But this all happened in the first few months of 2016, while this report is about 2015, an eventful year in its own right. In March 2015, Carole Thate, who had led the Foundation since its establishment in 1997 and made it what it is today, passed the baton to me.
Star Paralympic athlete Marlou van Rhijn opened the two-hundredth Cruyff Court. These mini sports pitches can now be found as far away as India and Argentina. Through sport, we are giving street children and young addicts in Buenos Aires a path to a better future.
In parallel with the Cruyff Courts and the projects for disabled children, our third pillar – Schoolyard14 – is progressing steadily. In 2015, many children began a sporting activity, and many more continued.
Our ability to continue to do our work is made possible with the partnership and assistance of many. But every year, staying financially healthy and tapping into new financial resources remains a challenge.
Our mission is a very urgent one. Many children simply do not have the opportunity to engage in sport and play in a safe environment. With our eighteen years of experience, we are able to prove that young people who participate in sport grow better and are healthier.
Just as Johan would have wanted, we continue to work hard to offer children a bright and healthy future through sport. To do that, we need your help, now more than ever.
Niels Meijer
‘His Foundation and helping disabled children were very important to him. The partnership between Barcelona and the Foundation was the last, biggest thing he put his name to. His Foundation will go on. Working hard for the Foundation is the best way to make him proud. And we as the family know that that is the highest priority. – Jordi Cruyff
Johan Cruyff Foundation
Pim van Rooijen
Broer van den Boom
Herman van der Wulp
Ilja van Holsteijn
Johan Cruyff Foundation
Linda de Niet
Natasja Vos
Mathilde Dusol
Bastiaan Musscher Fotografie
United State of Fans