Future direct fundraising initiatives of the Cruyff Foundation are not obligations towards a third party, and consequently cannot be included in the statement of income and expenditure. However, it is important to note that the expenses for these initiatives are documented and set aside (special purpose reserves) from the result.
Brief explanatory notes to the figures
On a number of components, the Cruyff Foundation exhibits a discrepancy between the figures earned in 2015 and budgeted for 2015, as well as in comparison to the figures earned in 2014:
Earnings as compared to budget 2015
- The budget of the Cruyff Courts pillar took into account a large number of earmarked projects. These projects will only be carried out if the earmarked income is actually obtained.
- Earnings from third-party campaigns consist, alongside the standing payment from the National Postcode Lottery, of earmarked income from the Extra Draws of the Postcode Lottery and the People’s Postcode Lottery. In reference to these last two, earnings are only included when the costs are actually incurred. Many of these projects are being carried out in cooperation with third parties (including local authorities and water companies), which makes our completion of the projects dependent on third parties.
- Interest rates have fallen yet again.
- No less than seven of the 14 employees on the team are new, including the director. This had an impact on the fundraising activities in particular, as a result of which not all of the set objectives were achieved.
Expenditures as compared to budget 2015
- The budget of the Cruyff Courts pillar took into account a large number of earmarked projects. These projects will only be carried out if the earmarked income is actually obtained.
- Personnel costs came out lower than budgeted, because we were not fully staffed for the entire year as a result of the many changes in the personnel file. The new director’s salary is also lower. These personnel costs can also have an impact on the costs spent towards the objective, attraction of earnings, and management and administration.
Earnings as compared to achieved 2014
- The pillar Schoolyard14 is funded virtually entirely through earmarked income. In 2014, the income and expenses in relation to Schoolyard14 were higher.
- Cooking for a Cause 2015 brought in less than the 2014 edition.
- In 2015, there was reduced additional income from the partners. In 2014, the partners were involved in a special NRC supplement and in the Cruyff Courts 6vs6 world championships.
Expenditures as compared to achieved 2014
- The pillar Schoolyard14 is funded virtually entirely through earmarked income. In 2014, the income and expenses in relation to Schoolyard14 were higher.
- In 2015, the Cruyff Foundation seminar was not held.
- Personnel costs came out lower than budgeted in 2014, because we were not fully staffed for the entire year as a result of the many changes in the personnel file. The new director’s salary is also lower. These personnel costs can also have an impact on the costs spent towards the objective, attraction of funding, and management and administration.